Partner Guide to Software Assurance

What is Software Assurance?

Software Assurance is Mondago’s software subscription and support program specifically designed to maximize the value of Mondago Server Developer Edition (GCS-DE) solutions. With Software Assurance, a business can benefit from product enhancements made available in the latest software releases and schedule upgrades at a time that suits their business. Mondago’s Software Assurance is designed to protect a customer’s investment in its products through the product life cycle. Customers subscribing to Software Assurance will gain the following benefits:

  • Right to upgrade*1 to the latest ‘Major’ or ‘Minor’ version of the product, ensuring the customer can benefit from new product features and functions 
  • Maximize product effectiveness with access to product and technical support *2 

*1 Customers are responsible for undertaking upgrades unless the work is contracted otherwise. 

*2 For faults and technical support only; project work or other planned changes will need to be scheduled and may incur additional fees and charges. 


Minor, Major and Iteration Releases

GCS-DE software is issued with version numbers. The version number can comprise of up to five fields separated by a period. The first three fields are important for Software Assurance as described below. 

“Minor” and “Major” releases are represented by the first two fields respectively. Changes in either of these fields means that this release includes notable feature changes intended to increase the value of the product to the end user 

  • Example of minor upgrade: 2.4.2 to 2.5.0
  • Example of major upgrade: 2.5.0 to 3.0.1

Subscribing to Software Assurance provides the right for a customer to make either a major or minor upgrade. 

An “Iteration” (or maintenance) release is represented by the third field. A change in this field is used to indicate small product improvements without a change to the core features of the product 

• Example of iteration upgrade: 2.4.1 to 2.4.2 

A customer does NOT need to be subscribing to Software Assurance to make an iteration upgrade within the currently licensed Major / Minor release 

Please note that Mondago software release numbers will often have a fourth and/or fifth field. These are generally used to represent build and brand and, although important, do not have any effect on software assurance.



Irrespective of Software Assurance, the software is covered by a manufacturer’s warranty for a minimum period of three months*3 from the time of purchase. Within the Warranty period Mondago will undertake reasonable efforts to resolve any issues that can be directly attributed to manufacturing defects or, if unsuccessful, provide a full refund for the licenses purchased. It should be noted that warranty does not include the right to upgrade to major / minor releases and only applies to non-functionality of published features and functions. 

*3 Minimum period of warranty cover may increase according to country of sale. 


How is Software Assurance Controlled?

When purchased without Software Assurance, a customer’s registration key (license) will only be valid for one specific combination of major and minor version (e.g. 2.4.x). If a customer attempts to update their server to a newer release, when not licensed for Software Assurance, then their installation will cease to work and will need to be downgraded. Iteration releases within a major and minor version can be completed without a Software Assurance license, e.g. 2.3.8 to 2.3.10 would be permitted. 


Buying Software Assurance?

Typically, Software Assurance is sold by a Mondago Distributor or Reseller (Partner). 


Ordering Software Assurance

Software Assurance orders will typically be placed at one of three points in time: 

  1. With the initial license order 
  2. Annual renewal following expiry of current term 
  3. To renew lapsed contract 

Any additional licenses purchased for a site after the initial sale would be added to the existing contract pro-rata. The original contract end date would remain in force. That is, all contract additions must be coterminous with the original end date. 

What happens if the customer does not subscribe to Software Assurance? 

A customer not subscribing to Software Assurance is not eligible for either product or technical support, or able to make major/minor upgrades to their registered version of the product. 

Technical support given to customers not subscribing to Software Assurance will be charged per hour of support given. A minimum of one hour will be charged for all support calls and any additional time required will be charged in minimum units of 1 hour.  

Renewing Software Assurance

The Partner will receive a monthly report containing a list of all serial numbers that are within 45 days of the end of the contract term. Further to this, the distribution partner will have access to Mondago’s MSAMS portal to look up Software Assurance information for a serial number at any time. It is important to note that the MSAMS tool and associated reports are designed to assist and not replace a distribution or reseller partner’s own records and procedures. Also it should be noted, that the quality of data stored in MSAMS is dependent upon the information provided at the time of production registration. Ultimately, Mondago consider it the responsibility of the reseller to maintain appropriate records and manage the renewal of Software Assurance on behalf of their customers.  

What Happens if Software Assurance has Lapsed and a Customer Requests Cover?

If a customer does not renew Software Assurance on, or before the due date, they will be subject to lapsed and re-instatement fee’s. Lapsed fees are calculated by multiplying the unit price for Software Assurance by the RRP for all licenses contained within the serial number, dividing it by 12 and then multiplying by the number of lapsed months. In addition to this a re-instatement fee will be charged. 

If software Assurance has lapsed and support is required, per hour ad hoc support is available. For clarity, Software Assurance cannot be purchased specifically to resolve a pre-existing issue. Once any issues have been resolved, Software Assurance can be purchased. 


Adding Licenses to an Existing Serial Number

If new licenses are added to an existing serial number which is at a lower release level than the latest release and the end customer does not subscribe to Software Assurance (i.e. does not have the right to upgrade) then either: 

  • The new licenses purchased will be downgraded to the version already installed. 
  • Software Assurance would need to be purchased for the existing installation. 

It should be noted that any licenses added to an existing serial number automatically adopt the same Software Assurance status of this serial number. 


For more information, please contact Mondago at: